A big week for housing reform!
More great reforms proposed. Will staff make them happen?

Correction: On Thursday, I neglected a key detail when discussing the city's occupancy limits. The additional limits put in place by City Council in 2014 (a max of four unrelated people can share a single-family home) only applied to housing built after that date.
City Council has hearty serving of housing on its agenda this week. At its meeting on Thursday it will take up four items aimed at increasing the production of cheaper housing types.
Don't take my word for it: Community Not Commodity is warning its supporters that the "anti-neighborhood bills" it blocked at the Capitol are coming to City Hall.
As he vowed to do last year, Chito Vela has proposed another reform to Austin's compatibility setbacks, which restrict the height of buildings (regardless of zoning) based on their distance from certain types of properties (single-family homes, schools, churches).