No, Project Connect is not 'halted'

Carmen Llanes Pulido embraces a bizarre falsehood about the transit plan.

No, Project Connect is not 'halted'
A bus stop at Mueller installed for the new Pleasant Valley MetroRapid bus route that was funded by Project Connect. (Photo courtesy of Spencer Schumacher)

Mayoral candidate Carmen Llanes Pulido put out a statement the other day about Project Connect and public transit, embracing many of the falsehoods promoted by local transit opponents.

Let's start with the most glaring error:

Although Project Connect is halted, it is critical that we move forward and put our existing resources toward responsible and effective transit systems without delay.

Project Connect is not halted! Planning for the light rail, including the application for federal funding, is ongoing, and new stations are being installed for new MetroRapid bus lines that debut next year.

Now, is there a good chance that the light rail will be killed –– either by the ongoing lawsuit or the Legislature? Sure. But it's still alive.

I asked her by email to explain and was expecting a "What I meant was..." but instead she doubled down: