Raising the alarm on false alarms
& CM are finding their voices...too much perhaps.
That took too long
Is City Council slipping back into the way things were done in the Adler era, when comments from the dais and the public forced simple matters to drag on for hours? It certainly felt like it this morning, when it took Council an hour and forty minutes to get through the consent agenda.
Save Our Springs' executive director Bill Bunch, who wasn't that frequent of a Council speaker during the Adler years, is now showing up to every meeting to comment on multiple items. So is Zenobia Joseph.
I'd say this isn't the mayor's fault but you gotta wonder if this is Bunch's revenge for Watson's vain efforts to curtail his speaking time in the past.
But what might be in the mayor's power is to dissuade superfluous comments from Council members, of which there were many today. "I just want to echo what my colleague said..."
Raising the alarm on false alarms
Today City Council passed a resolution aimed at reducing the amount of time police officers spend responding to false burglar alarms.
Ryan Alter, the resolution author, said that 5% of all APD calls are due to private burglar alarms that have been triggered and that 95% of the time, it's a false alarm.