What happens to the I-35 grant?

The ground holding up the I-35 caps just got shakier.

What happens to the I-35 grant?
The West Gate Transit Center underneath SH 71 yesterday.

It's too soon to know just how much damage the constitutional crisis engineered by President Musk will inflict on the American republic, but at the very least it could throw a big wrench in the plan to put caps and stitches on I-35.

Eleven months ago the city of Austin announced it had been awarded a $105 million from the U.S. Dept of Transportation's Neighborhood Access and Equity Grant Program, a creation of the Inflation Reduction Act, Joe Biden's signature climate bill, to build a 5.3 acre freeway cap between Cesar Chavez & 4th Street.

But that was nearly a year ago, so that means the money is safe and snug in the city of Austin's bank account, right? Nope.